Revised OVE Piece

Brochure of Assignment 5



The OVE piece that I chose to revise was my brochure from assignment 5.   I decided upon this work because it was the only major OVE piece that we did during the class.  The brochure is for the Jack Trice Statue and I created it in Microsoft Word.  When I revised this brochure I took the critique of it and then used this as a guide to make changes.  The first thing I did was to rework the bulleted information.  I change the information to make the bullets roughly equal in size.  I also deleted some of the information that I found to be repetitive or didn’t add to the quality of the brochure.  Another change I made was to make the inside center a full picture of Jack Trice.  I did this to add a focus on who the statue is about and to give it a better background.  This brochure demonstrates what I am as a communicator in that it is simple but meaningful, which is what I try to be. The final product shows us the statue and effectively communicates some of the importance and information about the statue.

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